
Cap.on black: Limited edition

I wish you all lovely Christmas holidays! I posted a news about Cap.on on Facebook and Instagram before Christmas. Since many of you asked me when I’ll finally make black Cap.on, I decided to create a limited edition where you can buy one of the 17 black caps that you can customize as you wish. […]

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RECIRCLE is a collection of fashion accessories that was created in cooperation with the design shop ŌM Touch. In our collection we use recycled non-woven fabrics, luxury hat materials – rabbit felt originating in the Czech Republic and Piñatex, leather made from pineapple leaves. We are inspired by the Go green movement, which is fighting […]

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Remon X Slou Days

SLOU DAYS 2018 ​15.6. – 17.6. |  OD KOTVA Slou Days are an unique selling event with an overlap in education. You’ll find everything for your slow and gentle lifestyle at one place. Discover or taste local and ethical products, learn their stories and find out new approaches to responsible life that are so important […]

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Spring news

After all these thing my work life went upside down and back to normal again. For the first time in my life I have a feeling, that day should have at least 72 hours or more. January was one of the weirdest periods in my life so far, so I was afraid will last forever. Hopefully […]

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Turquoise Cap.on

I wish you all nice Saturday, I hope you’re enjoying the first march weekend.  With the „beginning“ of the spring and bit warmer days I feel like totally re-organizing my wardrobe (as every year). I just want to put away all the pieces I’m not wearing anymore, maybe they could make somebody else happy. I tried […]

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Yellow Cap.on

I wish you all nice Saturday. How are you enjoying the weekend? I have to do so many thing, I’m working on the new collection and as well on Cap.ons. I guess I’ll have a long working night. I’m just desperately remembering the super relaxing last Saturday, when we saw Harry Potter in concert with […]

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Fall/Winter 2017-2018

Urban Jungle collection is inspired by the hierarchy of the jungle and the city contrasts. Diversity -Wilderness – Chaos. These words characterize the collection. We use distinctive and diverse fabrics. Urban jungle can be as dangerous as the real one. This is why you need camouflage, colour is the important element. Comfortable pieces are protecting […]

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Cap.on campaign

I wish you all beautiful and amazing day, because mine is simply awesome. And what happened? I forced myself to finish all the unfinished stuffs which I had to do and I finally decided how to solve some struggles about the video. We talked about it with Lenka last week, we chose the music and she […]

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Spring/Summer 2017

Collection is inspired by kids drawings, especially with its playfulness, abandod, open mind and colouring. From all the states of drawings I chose intellectual realism (5-7 years). This stage is typical by its transformation from asymmetry to symmetry, first experiments with space and transparency. Visual inspiration (colours and patterns) comes from my drawing when I […]

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Hello everybody, how are you? I decided to prepare one more post about my bachelor work for you during weekend. I want to tell a bit more about what I exactly did. I would like to talk about two thing. At the beginning I would like to show you a bit more from our photo […]

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