Recircle Cap.on


Unisex Cap.on cap made of recycled fabric.


RECIRCLE is a collection of fashion accessories that was created in cooperation with the design shop ŌM Touch. In our collection we use recycled non-woven fabrics, luxury hat materials – rabbit felt originating in the Czech Republic and Piñatex, leather made from pineapple leaves. We are inspired by the Go green movement, which is fighting for more environmentally friendly operation with waste and friendly approach to nature and its resources.

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Additional information

Výroba | Production

Navrženo a vyrobeno v České republice
Designed and produced in Czech republic

Složení | Materials

Kšiltovka / Cap: 100% Getex
Stuha / ribbon: 60% bavlna a 40% acetátové vlákno, 60% Cotton and 40% Acetate Fiber

Péče | Care

Kšiltovku neperte, nežehlete, nebělte ani nesušte v bubnové sušičce. / Do not wash, do not iron, do not bleach and avoid spin dry.
Otírejte vlhkým hadříkem a nechte uschnout ve stínu na rovné ploše. / Wipe with a damp cloth and let it dry in the shade on a flat surface.